Hello friends,
I greet you in the Almighty God, Jesus, He who strengthens us. I have great news that once again in the efforts of empowering women and youth in Uganda, we have given start capital to another women in our project to start up a rice project. The rice project will commence this month when the rainy season starts in Kiboga.

Our member was availed with start up capital that she requested for in her proposal go and start her project that will later serve as another example to other women about how they can start up there own jobs. The project will be supervised Bwette Daniel Gilbert a youth from Bavubuka foundation.

The transaction took place at Born Again Project bank in presence of Silas the founder of Bavubuka Foundation and supervised by Bwette Daniel as shown in this pictorial presentation.
Funding projects at Cleft of the Rock are intended to fund youth and women who have potential to start their own enterprises with start up capital to self sustain themselves as well as set an example to the rest of the community that they can also do it with commitment and determination.