In Jeremiah 29:11-13, God told us that He has a plan for each one of us and that as we call on Him, He will answer and as we seek for Him with all our heart we will find Him. I praise the Lord for hearing our cry to Him and granting us the grace to see His face as we continue in His grace with understanding that His plan is to restore the generation of widows and orphans of Uganda to life of dignity and sufficiency. Our Heavenly Father has been so good to us, as all we have taken on and done was not in our strength or capability but His grace and love showered on us as we moved in His steps to carry on our assignments. I want to thank all our brothers and sisters who have blessed us throughout 2017 in prayers and donations. God bless you so much for your kindness. The work we do is not easy but you make it easier as you join hands with us. I believe that when we stand together nothing is impossible. You have proved that.
This year 2018 is an incredible year full of grace, love, and compassion as we continue to run this race and fight the good fight that is worthy our calling. So we stand strong as our brother Paul in 2 Timothy 4:7 knowing that He who sent us to do His work is faithful to do that which He promised. We are confident that this year is a year of accomplishment. for He is faithful. As He continues to guide us in building schools and standing with the ladies in the communities of Kirindi and Kiboga, Our strategy is to build community by community. As the Lord helps us to expand this vision and grow, we continue to work as a team strengthening families and communities. Despite all obstacles our Father’s hand brings us into Victory.