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  • Christine Balabyekkubo

Planting Seeds

We thank God for the ability to plant this corn field this year. This field will allow for 60 job opportunities to be created in Kirindi. By God's grace we were able to rent a tractor for the day and hire some youth from the local community prison along with 10 local youth to help us in planting the seeds. The money we pay for them to work for us helps in maintaining the prison allowing for good food to be bought for them and helps sponsor educational programs to help the youth become more resourceful when they get out. Also, as they plant our Agricultural Coordinator in Kirindi teaches the youth proper methods in agricultural methods in planting to yield good crops. The youth who planted will be employed to maintain this field until harvest in the fall.

From the harvest we hope to grind the corn to produce meal used to feed the community and school, provide meals for the piggery. Sales from the harvest will also provide tuition for children school fees and supplies, as well as, be re-invested into the Widow's Entrpreneurship Fund.

We pray for rain and a good season and believe the Lord will see us through on what He has allowed us to planted. To god be all the glory!

Be apart of planting seeds and creating jobs. Join us!

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